Step 1: Register a free account at You will receive an email after registration

Step 2: You may login your account now to start your online shopping. You will receive an email after the registration

Step 3: Select the product(s) you desire to purchase and add to cart

Step 4: Go to Cart and Checkout

Step 5: Review your order details

Step 6: Enter or update your shipping details

Step 7: Enter voucher code (if any)

Step 8: Select payment method & complete the necessary details and credentials

Step 9: Wait until the payment process completed

Step 10: You will receive the THANK YOU page and will be redirected back to order history with transaction payment status. If your payment status is indicated as “In-Complete” means payment settlement process failed. You may try to pay again.

Step 9: Please check your email also for your copy of order statement

Step 10: You may always view back your order history for status update.

Step 11: You will receive your goods by the delivery service.